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Sunday 10 August 2014

5. cell organelles: Mitochondria

In  the  cytoplasm  there are  found minute  thread like, rod shaped  structure  called  Mitochondria  they are also called as the power  house of  cells. It presents in Eukaryotic cells. Liver cells and muscle cells may contain hundreds and thousands of mitochondria.


Mitochondria ranges from 0.2µ to 2.0µ in diameter. It has  double membrane. The outer mitochondrial membrane which encloses the entire organelle, it can associate with  Endoplasmic reticulam. Next one is inner membrane that one is  extended into many plate like structure called Cristae. It extends into inner matrix of  mitochondrion. The inner membrane  is permeable to oxygen, carbon- di- oxide  and water. The space between outer and inner membrane space  is called  inter membrane  space. Each part of  mitochondria has its own set of enzymes. The mitochondria is the respiratory organelles of cells, here  carbohydrates and fats are completely  oxidized into carbon-di-oxide and  water. The energy used during in this oxidation is used for the synthesis of ATP. When this bond ATP is converted into ADP large quantities of energy is released. That energy is used for various types of cellular work. So Mitochondria produces energy for the normal activity of cells. when it fails to work cells will not work because of lack of energy and there is no normal activities of cells of  plants, animals and human beings. when they work  irregularly, which leads  damage to cells of brain, head, skeletal  muscles and respiratory system in humans.  Thus, mitochondria is the power house of cells.

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