cell is the basic unit of every organism.Each and every organism is made up of cell. There are two types of cells namely Prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell. Robert Hooke, an optic seller discovered cell in 1665 .


Plants and animals are examples for Ukaryotic cell. Plants and animal are made up of many cells. For an example, in an animal cell the outer most covering is plasma membrane . Plasma membrane gives size and protection to the animal cell. Inside the plasma membrane there is protoplasm. Inside the protoplsam it has two components namely cytoplasm and nucleus.There is well defined nucleus and nucleus is surrounded by nuclear membrane.Other cell organelles like golgi bodies, mitochontria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes,lysosomes, centrosome, vaculoles are present to perform specific function. Thus, eukaryotic cell is the complete cell. There are few difference between an animal cell and a plant cell.
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